39 poast plus herbicide
› Pages › HerbicideList of Herbicides Globally Poast, Poast Plus, NABU, Fervinal, NP-55, Sertin: A: Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase Small Structure: Medium Structure: Large Structure : Cyclohexanediones (DIMs) tepraloxydim: 294: BASF: BAS-620 H, Aramo, Equinox: A: Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase Small ... agriculture.basf.ca › east › enBASF | Product Profile - Distinct® One case of Distinct herbicide will treat 40 acres. Spray Additives for Post-emergence. For best adherence, Distinct requires additives for post-emergent treatments. The addition of non-ionic surfactant at 0.25% v/v plus liquid nitrogen fertilizer 28-0-0 at 1.25% v/v is recommended under most conditions.
› Herbicide_Modes_of_ActionHERBICIDE BRAND NAMES, ACTIVE INGREDIENTS, CHEMICAL FAMILIES ... Poast, Poast Plus sethoxydim Cyclohexanedione 1 Prefar bensulide Phosphorodithioate 8 Prefix s-metolachlor + fomesafen Chloracetamide + diphenylether 15 + 14 Princep simazine Triazine 5 Priority carfentrazone + halosulfuron Triazolinone + sulfonylurea 14 + 2 Prograss ethofumesate Benzofuran 16 Prometryn prometryn Triazine 5
Poast plus herbicide
extension.uga.edu › publications › detailOnion Production Guide | UGA Cooperative Extension Jun 21, 2017 · Currently the only preemergence herbicide option for seeded onion includes Dacthal (Table 1). Dacthal rate should be selected carefully as onion stunting can occur at higher use rates. Additionally, weed control with Dacthal is marginal at best. Postemergence applications for both dry bulb and green bulb onions include Dual Magnum, Outlook, and ...
Poast plus herbicide. extension.uga.edu › publications › detailOnion Production Guide | UGA Cooperative Extension Jun 21, 2017 · Currently the only preemergence herbicide option for seeded onion includes Dacthal (Table 1). Dacthal rate should be selected carefully as onion stunting can occur at higher use rates. Additionally, weed control with Dacthal is marginal at best. Postemergence applications for both dry bulb and green bulb onions include Dual Magnum, Outlook, and ...
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